Tuesday 15 October 2013

Sudden Changes.

Such a bad blogger!  Life too frequently turns upside down and gets me out of the habit.  I'm no longer living in WA, but had a sudden and necessary move to southern Oregon.  The sun shines a lot here and that's certainly something I'm thankful for!  Thankful also for my sister and her family for bringing me here and welcoming me into their family!

My heart and the confidence I'd just gotten hold of again took some very hard blows in the past month.  I am grateful for how the Lord has continued to provide for me, even as I still grieve for the loss of friends and the shattering of my confidence once again.

I have a very lovely space to live in here that is much easier to heat and with much more room than I previously had.  My view from here in my chair is up into the woods and state land... Lovely!  When I visited before, I saw two good sized bucks walk across that view.  So for now all I've seen is a skunk, which was lovely to look at but made me rather edgy for a while! lol

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